Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

The Pie QueenHappy Thanksgiving! No, we are NOT crazy... well, OK, we just adopted two kids so maybe we ARE crazy, but wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving is not a sign of our insanity. You see, one of the things that most bothered Beth and Luke about our trip to Russia was that they had to miss Thanksgiving. It's not a holiday they celebrate over there... even though we sort of celebrated a little bit at Kentucky Fried Chicken in Stavropol. We promised the kids a real Thanksgiving feast with all the trimmings sometime after we got home.

Since Mark and the non-homeschooled kids had Monday off for the MLK Jr. Holiday, we decided that it would be a good day to have our belated Thanksgiving. Part of the tradition is Beth making pies (she is GREAT at making pie!) and she wanted to try out her new apron and ovenmitt from Grandma. She helped teach Kim to make cinnamon roll cookies with the leftover crust. cooking lessonsWe cooked a turkey (or Bolshoi Chicken as Peter and Kim understood it). We found a good Thanksgiving story and explanation online that we translated into Russian using babelfish's webpage translator. We looked at a photo of turkey... turns out it isn't just a big chicken afterall. Most importantly, we shared this opportunity to thank God with some very dear friends. The Canary's joined us and a great time was had by all... 4 adults and 8 kids (yes we ate in the dining room on the good china and no, there were no spills... much to Bandit's dismay). Kim and ErinKim really enjoyed having two year old Erin over to play with. She hasn't stopped talking about it. All four of our kids REALLY enjoyed the turkey and Kim, Beth and Luke also liked the stuffing... not Peter... seems we ruined his hleb (bread) by putting stuff in it.

We may have to celebrate Thanksgiving a lot more often! We have so much to be thankful for... and who doesn't love the smell of turkey?8 kids and one tired dog


Anonymous said...

Aww, two of my favorite families.... What a great idea! Kim and Erin look so content together. I think about you all often!!
Amy M

Anonymous said...

So, did you add Borsch to the menu? And will we see any of those pies reappear at the Annual Business meeting? Would love to try them. Maybe Beth can give me some pointers.

The Merricks said...

She has made a number of pies for the church Thanksgiving dinner before.

As for the Borsch, I have made it since we have been back but for Thanksgiving we stayed very traditional.
