Thursday, January 22, 2009


I am very late in saying this (something about being the Mom of four, I don't know where the time goes) but I want to say a great big спасибо (Thank you) to so many people in the Russian community that I have had the opportunity to meet.

Let me explain: I have been going into the Russian markets for about a year now. I'll go in and ask what this foods is or what this means or how to say something. I have come out with recipes, full documents translated (when I was just hoping for help to find one piece of information)and phone numbers with offers of assistance in translation. I have been encouraged and Kim and Peter have been warmly welcomed. I thank each of you that I have met.

I also want to thank some of you that I have never meet. You see my father-in-law works with a couple of ladies with Russian heritage. When they heard that we were in Russia to bring the kids home, they gathered up a large selection of Russian foods so the kids would have some familiar foods. They even found two birthday cards in Russian for Kim's birthday (Dec. 20 just a week after landing in the U.S.)

Then this last time my in-laws came to visit they brought bags of cloths for Peter and a stack of books written in Russian from this same lady. Some of the books are ones that she brought over from the Soviet Union when she immigrated thirty years ago. Kim has really enjoyed having access to literature written in Russian. I encourage her to read aloud to Peter on a regular bases. I am hoping that this will help her and Peter maintain their Russian language and that she will maintain her ability to read it. The picture below is Kim reading one of the books they were given.

One final спасибо to each of you. - Lisa

New addition: We have also found that our library system has a few books in Russian.


Anonymous said...

Raising four children is not for the weak. You are doing a great job, don't get overwellmed. Thank you for the спасибо from your extended support group here in NE Ohio
Dad M.

Anonymous said...

I love it when God uses his children to help and minister to other children... especially when they don't all know each other. Thanks for sharing how He works!
Amy M.