Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Missing Tooth

This tooth has been loose since before Peter joined our family. He has been afraid to wiggle it or move it. (He really didn't want to lose it.) I was reaching the point I was afraid he would choke on it because it was so loose.

Tonight, with it dangling from just one point in his mouth, we convinced him to let us pull it. He got all pale, sweaty and clammy. He swallowed hard and let us pull it out. It was more than ready but you could clearly tell that he had some flashbacks to his last trip to a dentist.

Anyway it was so loose it came out with almost no blood. We then got him thinking about putting his tooth in his tooth pillow and what did he think he would find in the morning. "A Dollar!!" "A dollar??" This and some tickling got a smile going but all night it was as if he was mourning the loss of his tooth.

Side note: He has five other loose teeth, pray that each tooth lost will not be such an emotionally thought process.

1 comment:

sandy said...

I think all those loose teeth may be another confirmation that you were correct in adjusting his age. 6ish, right?