Saturday, September 20, 2008

Not the Call We Hoped For

I've been wondering how to write this post. I've been thinking about it for a couple days now. You see, we received a phone call from our case worker on Thursday, and it wasn't the call we wanted to hear.

We've been jumping at every ring of the telephone for 3 weeks or so, hoping it would be our case worker telling us of our court date in Stavropol. Our materials have been in for over a month and we were getting antsy.

She called... she said that the court had our paperwork and that our paperwork is all approved (so far so good...). She then said that the court had trouble locating a birth certificate for our kids' biological mother and that it took them a while to get it. As a result, our case was delayed (not so good).

We will not be able to have our court date in September. Also, the judge is taking vacation for the entire month of October. We should expect a court date in early NOVEMBER. At least it might be early November if they are able to put together the schedule before the judge's vacation. There is a chance that they won't create the November schedule until the judge returns from vacation. If so, we'd be going in mid to late November at the earliest. We might not get the kids home before the end of the year if things go slowly at that point. For those of you who keep track of such things, we will have several documents that expire in the first week of November. It looks like we'll have more time and expense to renew them.

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