Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Moving On

We wound up delaying our application to our new agency because we learned that there was still a remote chance for us in El Salvador. We learned from our program coordinator that El Salvador had asked for a list of dossiers of families requesting older children. The implication was that they might be able to process and place these more quickly since they have several older children ready for adoption in their system. Our names were on the list (we put in for a boy under 8 and a girl 8-10), so we waited to see where that would lead. It seems that they asked for this list around the time that we submitted our dossier (Sept 2007). As we have come to expect... there is no news and little chance of anything happening there anytime soon.

So, we have now gone ahead with changing agencies and countries. We have submitted our application to Adoption ARK for their Russia program. What a wonderful difference already! We emailed our contact at Adoption ARK (Jill Underhill) to let her know that we mailed the application. In less than an hour, she was on the phone with us to start getting the information so she wouldn't have to wait on the US Postal Service! How refreshing it is to feel like your agency cares about you and is being proactive instead of reactive.


Jen C. said...

I'm so glad to hear that this agency is working so well with you. They seem very personal. So, what's next?

Julie said...


I hope things go well with your new agency. I know you were all brushing up on Spanish for El Salvador...if you want some Russian flashcards to start a new language, I've got boxes and boxes of them from college (I had a minor in Russian language)...and dictionaries and all of that good stuff.

Julie W.