Thursday, September 8, 2011

Remembering the transition

We were pointed to a blog post today that made us reflect back on our transition period after Kim and Peter first came home.

In this post, the blogger reflects on what it is like when your adopted children haven't yet learned to trust, learned what it means to be in a family, and made peace with their past and future. It is exhausting, frightening, and overwhelming.  I can't do justice to her description, so I suggest you read it yourself.

For those going through that transitional stage, I have a word or two of encouragement.  You WILL get through it, you ARE strong enough, and your kids WILL make peace with their past and future.  Of course, you are going to struggle to get to that point, but it is a struggle worth going through.

As we approach 3 years post adoption, I look back and see where we were in that first 6 months and I cringe.  I look to where we were at one year and how much better it was than months 1-6.  I reflect on where we were at year 2 and see just how "normal" we had become (most of the time).  Now, approaching 3 years I can't believe how much further we have come in just the past 3 months.  Our kids are now mostly "normal".  Their ongoing issues and problems look a lot more like those of other kids.  We still have our moments, but they are no where near as often or severe, or exhausting.  Dare I say it... we have become just a regular old family.  Isn't God wonderful.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Making Pelemeni

No... we didn't drop off the face of the earth... just the blogosphere :-)

So many other things have taken priority in our lives that keeping the blog up fell by the wayside. To bring you up to date, we're now 27 months post-adoption and all is well. Look for a more in depth "update" post soon.

In the mean time, tomorrow is Peter's 9th Birthday (or 11th if you still believe his paperwork). What did he want for his birthday meal you ask? Why, Pelemeni of course! So, tonight we are all in the kitchen singing songs from family camp at Scioto Hills while making homemade Pelemeni that we will cook and eat tomorrow.

For the uninitiated, Pelemeni are similar to ravioli except they are served in a thin broth instead of pasta sauce and topped with sour cream and dill. We recently came across a GREAT russian cooking blog called Traditional Russian Food and it has a good, step by step recipe for Pelemeni. It's not our first time, but the recipe is always helpful anyway.